TransitNet SGS

TransitNet is a secure, multi-lingual, web-based platform that captures, controls and monitors transit declarations to significantly reduce your elapsed transit times. TransitNet enables the transport and logistics industry to submit an electronic customs transit declaration, together with a financial guarantee covering their liability for customs debt.

The benefits when using TransitNet SGS Services

TransitNet is faster and cheaper than other road transit services 
TransitNet is an enhanced and electronic alternative to existing paper systems, and operates in both EU and non-EU countries 
TransitNet avoids the need for individual operators to deposit transit guarantees either in favor of our client centers or customs
TransitNet provides customs with advanced information, facilitating faster border crossing and rapid release for transit 
TransitNet provides all participants (clients, client centers and principals) with an on-line view of the current status of transit movements 

                                                                     Find out How You can benefit as a client of TransitNet from SGS Transit Monitoring Services here: +359 889 524 498