More than 24 years our company provides
EXPRESS, PROFESSIONAL & RELIABLE Customs Clearance services and Representation
Krol Trans performs express and professional Customs Brokerage with permanent license for Customs Agent.
Krol Trans offers comprehensive customs and foreign-trade services in the cities: Ruse, Vidin, Plovdiv, Varna,
Burgas, Stara Zagora, Kazanluk, Gabrovo, Svishtov, Gorna Oriahovitsa, Svilengrad, Kalotina;
Upon request by our clients and notarized power of attorney.
Krol Trans prepares export, import & transit customs declarations, invoices, CIM, CMR, TIR carnet, ODN, ODV, EUR.1, A.TR, T2L certificates.
Krol Trans performs electronic declaration:
- import
- export
- inward processing - processing and repair
- temporary importation
- transit
- reexport
- TIR Carnet
- SGS TransitNet Partner
Krol Trans is coordinating Your permits with the government authorities.
Krol Trans offers professional cooperation, help & protection in customs & currency violation and corruption.
Krol Trans prepares Intrastat declarations
We will accept for declaring and representation only goods and loads, which are detailed and correspond to the accompanying documents. Effects of any established infringement will be charged, risk and responsibility of the customer.